题目:Study of Bioparticle Transport Using Lattice Boltzmann Method and Immersed Boundary Method
主讲:Professor Yan Peng, Old Dominion University
This talk will present a computational framework to simulate bioparticle transport involving complex fluid-structure interactions. Several important numerical issues have to be addressed: (1) Numerical stiffness and convergence challenges due to the strong fluid-structure interactions; (2) Resolution of unsteady phenomena such as wakes, separation and vortices induced by interactions of flows with deformable moving boundaries. To overcome these challenges, the lattice Boltzmann equation (LBE) is used to model the fluid motion because of its accuracy (low dissipation/low dispersion and better isotropy) and computational advantages including its excellent parallel scalability, absence of the need to solve a time consuming elliptic Poisson-type equation for the pressure field, and ease of
representa- tion of complex boundaries on Cartesian grids. The immersed boundary method (IBM) is chosen to track the deformable moving boundaries for its ease of implementation without re-meshing to generate the body- fitted mesh. One of the main motivations for this study comes from the Lab-on-a-chip (LoC) application, important for biomedical, pharmaceutical, and environmental industries. Some numerical results of flow-induced deformation of a red blood cell and its shape recovery from shear flow induced deformation are presented.
Yan Peng Assistant Professor Department of Mathematics & Statistics ,
Old Dominion University,Norfolk, VA, 23529
Phone: (757) 683-6001×5035
Email: ypeng@odu.edu
Education: Ph.D, 2005 Computational Fluid Dynamics,
National University of Singapore.
M.S , 1999 Computational Fluid Dynamics,
Nanjing University of Aero & Astro.
B.S , 1996 Aeroengine, Nanjing University of Aero & Astro.
Employment:2008.7–Present Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
2006.5–2008.7 Research Assistant Professor
Department of Mathematics & Statistics,
Old Dominion University, Norfolk, VA
2003.1–2006.4 Research Fellow
Department of Mechanical Engineering,
National University of Singapore, Singapore
1. W. Liao, B. Diskin, Y. Peng, and L.-S. Luo. Textbook-efficiency multigrid solver for three-dimensional unsteady compressible Navier-Stokes equations. Journal of Computational Physics, 227, 7160-7177. (2008)
2. Y. Peng and L.-S. Luo. A study of lattice Boltzmann equation with immersed boundary method. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 8, 156-167. (2008)
3. W. Liao, Y. Peng, L.-S. Luo and K. Xu. Numerical simulation of shock wave structure using gas kinetic scheme. Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 8, 97-108. (2007)
4. P. Lallemand, L.-S. Luo, and Y. Peng. A lattice Boltzmann front-track method for interface dynamics with surface tension in two-dimensions. Journal of Computation Physics, 226, 1367-1384. (2007)
5. Peng Y., C. Shu and Y. T. Chew. Three-dimensional lattice kinetic scheme and its application to simulate incompressible viscous thermal flows. Communications in Computational Physics, 2, 239-254. (2007)
6. Peng Y., C. Shu, Y. T. Chew, X. D. Niu and X. Y. Lu. Application of multi-block approach in the immersed boundary lattice Boltzmann method for viscous fluid flows. Journal of Computational Physics, 218, 460-478. (2006)
7. Shu C., Y. Peng, C. F. Zhou and Y. T. Chew. Application of Taylor series expansion and least-squares-based lattice Boltzmann method to simulate turbulent flows. Journal of Turbulence, 7, N38. (2006)
8. Niu X. D., C. Shu, Y. T. Chew and Y. Peng, A momentum exchange-based immersed boundary lattice Boltzmann method for simulating incompressible viscous flows. Physics Letters A, 354(3), 173-182. (2006)
9. Shu C., X. D. Niu, Y. Peng and Y.T. Chew. Taylor series expansion- and least square- based lattice Boltzmann method: an efficient approach for simulation of incompressible viscous flows, Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, 5, 27-36. (2005).
10. Peng Y., C. Shu, Y. T. Chew and H. Zheng. New lattice kinetic schemes for incompressible viscous flows, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 15, 1197-1213. (2004).
11. Peng Y., C. Shu, Y. T. Chew and T. Inamuro. Lattice kinetic scheme for the incompressible viscous thermal flows on arbitrary meshes, Physical Review E 69, 016703. (2004).
12. Peng Y., C. Shu and Y. T. Chew. A three-dimensional incompressible thermal lattice Boltzmann model and its application to simulate natural convection in a cubic cavity, Journal of Computational Physics, 193, 260-274. (2003).
13. Peng Y., C. Shu, Y. T. Chew and J. Qiu. Numerical investigation of flows in Czochralski crystal growth by an axisymmetric lattice Boltzmann method, Journal of Computational Physics, 186, 295-307. (2003).
14. Peng Y., C. Shu and Y. T. Chew. Simplified thermal lattice Boltzmann model for incompressible thermal flows, Physical Review E 68, 026701. (2003).
15. Peng Y., Y. T. Chew and C. Shu. Numerical simulation of natural convection in a concentric annulus between a square outer cylinder and a
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16. Peng Y., C. Shu and Y. T. Chew. Simulation of Czochralski crystal growth by using lattice Boltzmann method, Materials Science Forum, Vol. 437-438,355-358. (2003).
17. Peng Y., C. Shu and Y. T. Chew. Simulation of natural convection by Taylor series expansion- and least square- based LBM, International Journal of Modern Physics B, 17 (1/2), 165-168. (2003).
18. Shu, C., Y. Peng and Y. T. Chew. Simulation of natural convection in a square cavity by Taylor series expansion- and least squares- based lattice Boltzmann method, International Journal of Modern Physics C, 13(10), 1399- 1414. (2002).
19. Chew, Y. T., C. Shu and Y. Peng. On implementation of boundary conditions in the application of finite volume lattice Boltzmann method,Journal of Statistical Physics, 107 (1/2), 539-556. (2002).
20. Peng Y. and G. Wu. Solving Euler equations for cascade design on arbitrary revolving stream surface by finite volume method. Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, 31(1), 43-47. (1999)